Friday 8 January 2010

Panoramic Tower Delay

The Panoramic Tower at the Grand Pier won't be ready in time for the re-opening this summer. The deal with the original Italian suppliers fell through and despite sourcing a new supplier, delivery date guarantees were not forthcoming.

Kerry Michael said, 'we have to be open as soon as possible and we are not prepared to risk a delay to the re-opening for the sake of the tower. Therefore, we will open as planned and continue our negotiations with the new manufacturer so that we can have the tower in place for the following season. We are still committed to delivering it as promised but we need to make sure everything is right, for example, the foundations that are already in place were designed for the original tower and are likely to require modification and because the design is slightly different, we may even require an amendment to our planning permission and there is simply not enough time to do this and meet the re-opening date this summer.

Although the current weather conditions are providing their own challenges for us, we are confident that The Grand Pier will re-open on time and we cannot let anything affect that. We will still have 18 brand new rides and attractions for everyone to enjoy and the tower will give us all something to look forward to the following summer season.

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